the Nursery
The CLYDE RAILHEAD COMMUNITY ECO-NURSERY is an initiative of the Haehaeata Natural Heritage Trust.
The nursery is equipped with a tunnel house for seed raising, a shade house for young seedlings and a hardening off area for plants to grow to planting-out size.
All our plants are grown from eco-sourced seed.
Plants grown from seed collected locally are best adapted to cope with local conditions. This is particularly true for Central Otago plants which have to endure extreme hot, cold and dry conditions.
Keeping the seed source as local as possible helps protect the local identity of an area. However at times seed from further afield needs to be collected to bring in genetic diversity to very localised plant populations and to reintroduce species we have lost.

Seed collecting timetable for Central Otago plants
Here is some information on when to eco source your seed for some of our species.
Please follow seed collecting protocols
Ask land holder permission
Conservation areas need a seed collecting permit
Look for plant communities of at least 10 plants (for good genetic diversity)
Never take more than 20% of seed (we want to leave some for natural regeneration)
If you find this information helpful please consider making a donation
Volunteer sessions
The nursery is open every Thursday from 9am to 12pm in summer and 1-3pm in winter to anyone who wishes to volunteer. Just bring some clean gardening gloves and a dust mask if you have one.
No experience is necessary.
A cuppa and some baking is provided at every session.
Come and learn about our native plants and our local biodiversity.
Meet with like minded people and make new friends.
Spend time outdoors with nature.
Help create a resource of local native plants for plantings.
Get involved in plantings.
Increase the local native biodiversity.
The Nursery year
Plants for Sale
Plants are available for purchase from the nursery depending on availability.
Grasses and Sedges $6/PB3 and $3/7cm pot
Most plants from $10/PB3 and $5/7cm pot
Slow growing species are $15/PB3
Not for profit entities, charities and schools planting on public land are eligible for a 20% discount.
Landholders who have allowed us to collect seed from their land are entitled to 6 free plants.

please note all species listed are not available all of the time
how to find us
Turn into the Clyde Railhead from Springvale Road and follow along the fence on the left to the Fire and Emergency gate. Continue along to the next gate where you will see a collection of nursery buildings.