We rely on generous donations from the public, sponsorship and grants to ensure our nursery can eco source and propagate native plants along with providing a hub for community involvement and learning. The projects we are involved in will ultimately create areas of native bush providing homes for our native wildlife.
donate via internet banking
The bank account details for are: Haehaeata Natural Heritage Charitable Trust: 38-9018-0749248-00
Please: Include your name and 'donation' on the transaction: Email us at so we can send you a receipt.
donate via GIVE A LITTLE
We are now up and running with the marvellous 'Give a Little' organisation to make your generosity an easy process.
friends of haehaeata
'Friends of Haehaeata' are a group of generous businesses and organisations that have pledged to annually contribute financially towards the running of the Trust. Their generosity means that we can focus on our work supporting community groups to plant natives, increase our threatened species populations and aid our areas native biodiversity, amongst other things.
Please support and acknowledge these generous sponsors!
Interested in Friends of Haehaeata? Please contact us at for more information.